Shungite Harmonisers

The popularity of shungite harmonisers can be explained by the strong effect they have even on people who do not consider themselves sensitive to energy or to crystals.  When shungite is combined with steatite (soapstone) in a harmoniser set, it allows its users experience its beneficial harmonising effect in an indisputable way.

This is due to the fact that steatite and shungite represent opposite types of energies: yin and yang, male and female, negative and positive (whatever lable you like yourself). The opposites create a strong flow of energies, which is felt by the vast majority of people, whether they ‘believe’ in shungite or not. And if you are a person sensitive to energy and crystals, the harmoniser set will strongly amplify the feedback from your shungite sessions. See below for more details.

Shungite harmonisers (harmoniser sets) consist of two pieces, one made of shungite, and the other made of steatite (soapstone). These two represent opposite types of energies: yin and yang, male and female, negative and positive. The opposites create a strong flow of energies, which enhances the beneficial effect of shungite.

Harmonising cylinders, spheres, tablets and flats work in the same way. When you use harmonisers, they start your energy moving through your body, while grounding, clearing and balancing it. After even a short session with harmonisers you will feel rested, calm and energised.

Here are a few suggestions on how you can use your harmonisers:

  1. Sit down comfortably and relax.
  2. Take your harmonisers in your hands. While shungite represents female energy (i.e. left side of your body), and steatite – male energy (right side), you may be drawn to hold the two pieces in opposite hands if your energy needs balancing. Be guided by your intuition as to what feels right for a particular session.
  3. If you have another piece of shungite, you can put it between your feet – to improve grounding (but this is not necessary)
  4. Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes. Feel any tingles, warmth, energy currents within your body. Pay attention to any thoughts or visions. Enjoy the session.
  5. You would normally experience ‘I’ve had enough’ feeling when the session is over. Open your eyes and thank your shungite.

You can also use harmonisers for meditation practices. Hold them in your hands, or place on opposite sides of your body while meditating.

Try carrying flat or tablet harmonisers in your pockets on opposite sides of the body. Or put them on opposite sides of your bed, or armchair, to allow them work gently on you while you are resting.

Above all, enjoy your shungite harmonisers!