Shungite for Skin Conditions

Shungite water is great in helping you deal with various skin conditions, including minor burns, cuts and scratches, and also spots, acne, eczema and psoriasis. Peter the Great, the Tzar of Russia in early 18th century decreed that every Russian soldier should carry a piece of shungite in their back-pack for water purifications and wound healing. There are a number of spa centres in Russia that use shungite for de-stressing, massage and relaxation, and shungite water for food and beverage preparation and wraps and baths in thalassotherapy.

You can tap into the wonderful properties of shungite, too. As always with something new, start gently to see how your body reacts to shungite, and gradually increase the intensity of healing.

Ways to use shungite for skin conditions:

Shungite wrapping

  1. First, make active shungite water.
  • Take a noble (elite) shungite nugget, rather than tumbled shungite or items made of shungite. Raw unprocessed grey pieces of shungite will also work.
  • Put your shungite nugget in a glass of clean fresh water, leave it there for at least 24 hours.
  1. Dip a cotton wool or gauze pad into the water, wring it so it is damp rather than wet, and place the cotton pad on your problem area.
  2. Leave it there for just 5 minutes to start with, but over a week gradually extend the procedure to 15 minutes. If the pad dries out, re-dip it into the water.
  3. Repeat this twice a day. With a small cut, etc, you might choose shorter sessions – a minute or two – as often as you like.
  4. Generalised skin conditions:
  • If you have a generalised skin condition, such as eczema or psoriasis, start gently with a small (a couple of inches) patch of skin which is not too raw.
  • You may experience worsening of the condition after the first application; this is because the body is adjusting. Repeat again in 12 hours; at the second application your skin should react in a neutral way or there should be soothing relief.
  • If the second application gives you negative effect again, try on a different patch of skin, where your problem manifests slightly differently. Give it two tries again. If the second try is negative, shungite might not be for your skin.
  • If you find that shungite wrapping helps, continue to use it, slowly increasing the area of the wrapping.
  1. You may find that consistent use of shungite wrapping, say every day, or twice a day, brings on positive results quickly. However, some people chose to use the shungite wrap only when their condition flairs up, or when they have time – say, at the weekend. This is fine, too.

Shungite bath: Once you have established that you react well to shungite wrapping, try a shungite bath. For this, pour your active shungite water into your bath and go for a soak. Limit it to 5 minutes first, and then gradually build it up, provided there is no negative reaction.

Sharing your shungite:  Other people in the family can use ‘your’ shungite water, for example as a facial cleanser or basis for a facial mask. Gargling shungite water also helps with sore throat and gum and tooth problems. Any unused water can be diluted and used for pets and plants.

Drinking shungite water: Once you have established that you react well to shungite water, you can start drinking it. You can see detailed instructions for shungite water here.

Care for your shungite: You can just top up your water as you go along, but once a week pour out the water (for your bath, or plants, etc), give the stones a rinse, wash your glass and start again. Leave the stones on a sunny windowsill for a couple of hours every few weeks, to cleanse and recharge them.

Caution: Start slowly, particularly with serious skin conditions and with children. Discontinue using shungite and shungite water if you don’t like the results.  Please do not use shungite water in case of cancer or acute medical conditions.

Please Note: Shungite therapy and related information is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Be responsible for your health and always seek and follow professional advice when necessary.